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Course Description

Foundations of Business is a gamified business simulation where students assume the role of an entrepreneur pursuing their passion of selling clothing online and in their retail store. The player subscribes to the guidance of a business coach and will build a successful venture in a virtual neighbourhood. The player can upgrade their store and operations by completing learning modules and testing.

Through self-paced gameplay, instructional guides, presentations, and discussion topics, students learn important concepts from Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Health and Safety, Risk Management, and more. In the process, they acquire the skills to effectively run a business as they upgrade their operation by completing learning modules and quizzes. Each student has a unique playing experience via in-game customizations, such as avatar creation, store design, and random quiz selection.
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Foundations of Business
Online, No Class Times
Jan 06, 2025 to Mar 26, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Fee credit (3 credits) $519.18
Section Notes
This is an online self-paced course.