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Gain the knowledge and skills to specialize in the inclusive care and development of children aged 0-6 and children with special needs. Graduates qualify for the Infant Toddler Educator (ITE) and Special Needs Educator (SNE) certifications from the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development.

For more information on this program

This program has moved!

Please note that the Early childhood Care & Education program is no longer provided through VCC's Continuing Studies but is still being offered by VCC's School of Arts and Science.

If you require any assistance, please contact the departments below depending on the category that applies to you:

  • International Students starting January 2025 onwards:

Applications/Registration: International Education

Confirmation of Enrolment: Internal Education

Transcripts: Student Records

Graduation: Student Records

Appeals: International Education

  • New and Continuing Domestic Students:

Applications/Registration: Admissions Office

Confirmation of Enrolment: Student Records

Transcripts: Student Records

Graduation: Student Records

Appeals: Student Records

  • International Students starting prior to January 2025:

Registration: Continuing Studies

Confirmation of Enrolment: Continuing Studies

Transcripts: Student Records

Graduation: Continuing Studies

Appeals: Continuing Studies

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